Friday, July 31, 2009

for you designers out there...

so funny, so true!

A long time looking...

I have been searching for a beautiful collar and lead set for Lia... found this set
on Etsy. It's available from rolloverleatherworks.

If anyone knows of other websites that have modern, quality dog leads with out diamontes please let me know, or of any shops in New York as I'm traveling there in September! 

Beautiful Bikes...

I need to purchase a bike - unfortunately the budget won't stretch to these beauties!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I wish I had...

Really wishing I had gone for one of these Missoni throws for my bedroom rather than the Orla Kiely bedclothes which I'm bored of already!

John Murphy

I find John Murphy's work very interesting but it's currently out of my price range (and shall remain that way for the foreseeable future due to the state of the Irish economy - rant over! sorry!) Luckily prior to pay cuts I had ordered the deer and butterfly print from John's website

Stunning Sideboard...

I love the prints from Miss Print London and I especially love the customised furniture

I want to be a winner... are running a competition and the prize is the Anglepoise Giant 1227!
Oh please, please let me win!

I love these rugs...

I just don't think they would be practical with all the dog hair floating around my house! They are available from

Monday, July 13, 2009

So sad this week...

When we started to walk Lia as a puppy we'd meet our neighbours with their dog Murray, he's a HUGE American Akita. Over time we all became the best of friends and we totally fell in love with Murray - as did Lia. Over a year ago we began to leave them together while we were at work and they would play away. But last Sunday Murray bit a little girl, she's going to be fine but poor Shane and Elaine had no choice but to put Murray to sleep, I know it was the hardest decision they have ever had to make and I respect how they dealt with it as a couple. He wasn't a bad dog, but he was nervous and he didn't give any warning. We will all miss him so much but none more than Lia.
My heart is broken every morning as she looks at me and realises I'm not going to bring her to her buddies house. 

I need to get organised...

I'd love these as in/out trays... 
available from

Festival Fun...hmm...

just hampered by the Irish weather ... 10 hours out in a full on storm on Saturday for the Oxegen festival! Not the best fun...but fun all the same! Kings of Leon were worth it at least!

Friday, July 3, 2009

still on the office theme...

I was on garancedore blog today and she had been to the Nylon offices for an interview...the dogs are the best part...ohh how I'd love to bring Lia to work.

Office love 3

I'd love to see this space with people at work

Innvire, Netherlands

Office love 2

monday morning blues....em NO!

Chen Design Associates, San Fran

Office love 1

getting up in the morning mightn't be so hard if I was heading here!

Chandelier Creative NYC

Office Inspiration

I'm hoping to make a home office soon - on a budget mind after a hefty 12.5% pay cut...Irish Economy GRRRR.... anyway I found these amazing spaces while looking for inspiration